Yoga Sequences
Beginner's Vinyasa Yoga Sequence (1 hour)
This is the yoga sequence I learned in college.
- Child's Pose
- Table Top
- Downward Facing Dog
- Ragdoll Pose
Stand at Attention -- where you set your intention for your practice
Sun Salutation A
- Mountain Pose
- Forward Fold
- Half-way Lift
- High to Low Plank
- Upward Facing Dog or Baby Cobra
- Downward Facing Dog
Sun Salutation B
Right side, then left side. Two times both sides (second time flow with
- 3-Legged Dog
- Low Lunge
- Warrior 2
- Extended Side Angle
- Reverse Warrior
Low plank ->
Downward dog (flow)
high/low == breath out, upward == breath in
Belly-up Core
- Butterfly Crunches -- 10-20 counts, upper core
- Yoga Bicycle Crunches -- 8 counts per side, side core
- Boat Pose -- 8 counts, lower core
Twisting Series
Lunge twist, Chair twist, Crow pose
Right side, then left side
- 3-Legged Dog
- Low-lunge
- High Crescent Lunge
- Revolved Crescent Lunge
- Runner's Lunge/Lizard's Pose
- High Plank
- Side Plank
- High -> Low plank -> Upward -> Downward dog (flow)
- Forward Fold, top of mat
- Half-way lift
- Forward Fold
- Chair Pose
- Prayer Twist (right)
- Forward Fold
- Chair Pose
- Prayer Twist (left)
- Gorilla Pose
- Forward Fold
- Half-way Lift
- Set-up for Crow Pose
- Child's Pose
- Table Top
- Downward Facing Dog
Balancing Series
Eagle, Dancer's, Tree
- Chair Pose
- Eagle (right)
- Chair Pose
- Eagle (left)
- Mountain Pose
- Dancer's Pose (right) (keep right hip down, left hand above head)
- Mountain Pose
- Dancer's Pose (left) (keep left hip down, right hand above head)
- Mountain Pose
- Stand at Attention (hands to center)
- Tree pose (right)
- Stand at Attention
- Tree pose (left)
- Mountain
- Forward Fold
- High -> Low plank -> Upward -> Downward dog (flow)
Standing Series/Triangle Series
Right side, then left side
- 3-Legged Dog
- Low Lunge
- Warrior 1
- Warrior 2
- Triangle Pose (press arm into thigh)
- Wide Legged Forward Fold (interlock hands, pull behind)
- Warrior 2
- Reverse Warrior
- High -> Low plank -> Upward -> Downward dog (flow)
Right side, then left side
- 3-Legged Dog
- Half-Pigeon or Supine Pigeon
- Downward dog
Spine Strengthening
- Gaze forward, High-plank, lower to your belly
- Baby Cobra (palms up)
Floor Bow (grab feet and push/pull) (windshield wiper the lower legs to
stretch out)
- Camel Pose
- Bridge Pose (then butterfly/fallen-bridge to stretch out)
- (roll up) Seated Forward Fold (hamstring stretch)
- Arms up, roll out on back
- Happy Baby Pose
- Supine Twist (grab knee, then twist) (right, left)
- Svasana (big tight ball) (corpse pose)
- Fetal Pose
- Easy Seat
- Namaste
Beginner's Vinyasa Yoga Sequence (30 minutes)
My shortened version of the previous sequence
- Child's Pose
- Table Top
- Downward Facing Dog
- Ragdoll Pose
Sun Salutation A
- Mountain Pose
- Forward Fold
- Half-way Lift
- High to Low Plank
- Upward Facing Dog or Baby Cobra
- Downward Facing Dog
Sun Salutation B
Right side, then left side
- 3-Legged Dog
- Low Lunge
- Warrior 2
- Extended Side Angle
- Reverse Warrior
Low plank ->
Downward dog (flow)
high/low == breath out, upward == breath in
Belly-up Core
- Butterfly Crunches -- 10-20 counts, upper core
- Yoga Bicycle Crunches -- 8 counts per side, side core
- Boat Pose -- 8 counts, lower core
Twisting Series
Lunge twist, Chair twist, Crow pose
Right side, then left side
- 3-Legged Dog
- Low-lunge
- High Crescent Lunge
- Revolved Crescent Lunge
- Runner's Lunge/Lizard's Pose
- High Plank
- Side Plank
- High -> Low plank -> Upward -> Downward dog (flow)
- Forward Fold, top of mat
- Half-way lift
- Forward Fold
- Chair Pose
- Prayer Twist (right)
- Forward Fold
- Chair Pose
- Prayer Twist (left)
- Gorilla Pose
- Forward Fold
- Half-way Lift
- High -> Low plank -> Upward -> Downward dog (flow)
Balancing Series
Eagle, Dancer's, Tree
- Chair Pose
- Eagle (right)
- Chair Pose
- Eagle (left)
- Mountain Pose
- Dancer's Pose (right) (keep right hip down, left hand above head)
- Mountain Pose
- Dancer's Pose (left) (keep left hip down, right hand above head)
- Mountain Pose
- Stand at Attention (hands to center)
- Tree pose (right)
- Stand at Attention
- Tree pose (left)
- Mountain
- Wide-Legged Forward Fold
- High -> Low plank -> Upward -> Downward dog (flow)
Right side, then left side
- 3-Legged Dog
- Half-Pigeon or Supine Pigeon
- Downward dog
Spine Strengthening
- Gaze forward, High-plank, lower to your belly
- Baby Cobra (palms up)
Floor Bow (grab feet and push/pull) (windshield wiper the lower legs to
stretch out)
- Camel Pose
- Bridge Pose (then butterfly/fallen-bridge to stretch out)
- (roll up) Seated Forward Fold (hamstring stretch)
- Arms up, roll out on back
- Happy Baby Pose
- Supine Twist (grab knee, then twist) (right, left)
- Svasana (big tight ball) (corpse pose)
title: Yoga Sequence
date: 2021-12-09
publish: yes
tags: uncategorized